Visit Us
2723 King St
Alexandria, VA 22302
First Christian Church is located approximately one mile west of the King St metro, and adjacent to Woodbine Rehabilitation and Healthcare.
Is public transportation available?
Yes, The King Street/Old Town Metro Station is the closest. The Yellow and Blue lines have stops there. For train, schedules go to: https://www.wmata.com/schedules/timetables/.
Also, the DASH Line 31 bus has a stop in front of our church. For the bus schedule, go to: https://www.dashbus.com/schedules-new
Where do I park?
Turn into the church's driveway and follow it to the lot behind the church building.
What time is worship?
Worship starts at 11 am. We enjoy a time of food and fellowship after worship as well.
What should I wear?
You'll find all kinds of styles at FCC, from casual to formal. Come as you are!
Do you have child care?
Yes! Our nursery is open each week.