Who is First Christian Church of Alexandria?
Open Minded
​We are part of the Christian Church Disciples of Christ, a religious tradition that prizes diversity and individual thought. We seek to stimulate questions for personal reflection, to dialogue around our differences, and to lovingly include those who see things differently. At First Christian Church of Alexandria, you will find persons from all walks of life working side by side, drawn together by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, who makes us one.
Open Hearted
First Christian Church, a leader in the Alexandria community, touches the needs of many. Our facility houses the ALIVE! Child Development Center that offers low-cost preschool to children, the ALIVE! Food Pantry, several AA groups, an Explorer Scout Post, and many other community groups. We believe that love compels concern for others.
Open to All
Through the years, First Christian Church of Alexandria has been a diverse community, inclusive of all races, nationalities, and lifestyles. We warmly welcome all who seek to deepen their understanding of God's presence in our world. Our communion service is open to all who, regardless of denominational membership or background, seek to be followers of Jesus Christ.
We're About Worship
We strive to worship the way all Christians are called to worship--passionately, authentically, joyfully, hopefully.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday.
We blend classic hymns with more modern musical expressions of the faith.
We experience a meaningful encounter with Scripture that seeks to shape and form faithful living.
Some worship service includes a “Childrens Moment” when the youngest Christians among us are welcomed at the front for a special message.
Wear what you like, just come with an open mind and an open heart!

We're About Service
We believe that :
Our Christian faith compels service to others that is grounded in our love for Christ and Christ’s love for all people.
That we must reach out to our community and the world around us.
In order to live out these beliefs, we:
Are a member congregation and legacy partner of ALIVE! The ALIVE! Child Development Center and a portion of its food distribution program for families in need have been housed in our building for over 20 years.
Have developed a partnership with Iglesiana Cristiana Discuplos de Cristo in Santa Rosa, Puerto Rico, working together with them to serve their community as well as Alexandria.
Open our building to more than a dozen community groups.
Partner with United Community Ministries for their Back To School Backpack project and Holiday programs, as well as other projects throughout the year.
Volunteer monthly with Meals on Wheels, Carpenter’s Shelter, and numerous other community service programs.
We're About Spiritual Growth
Growing as a disciple of Jesus requires a lifelong commitment to learning and exploration. At FCC Alexandria, we seek to provide these opportunities for all ages:
Group Study: Spiritual growth and education takes several forms at FCC.
Serious Thinkers Sunday School Class: The Serious Thinkers are a class of special needs adults who meet every other week at FCC for learning, singing and fellowship.

We're About Fun and Fellowship
Belonging to a Christian community carries with it deep connections and important relationships that can be formed among people who share a common identity as followers of Jesus.
We have Fellowship Time in our Fellowship Hall following worship each Sunday.
From outings to the many attractions in the DC area to simple and fun events at FCC, there are many opportunities for church members to build deeper friendships with one another.
Disciples Women, our women's fellowship group, meets monthly for study, fellowship and service.